As I had a ton of errands to run this morning, I got out of the house as early as possible, and hied me to one of the herb shops I frequent. Initially, I meant only to top off a few of the herbs I most often use -- ginseng, wolfberries, licorice root (more about this in my next post), and red dates.
Now being a lazy son of a bitch, I prefer to buy ginseng extract in pre-measured vials, instead of brewing it myself. (It's a pain the neck. The stuff has to be decocted in a pyrex or earthenware pan, it mustn't come into contact with iron, etc.)
Anyway, while I was looking for my favorite brand, I had a gander at the shelf above it -- and immediately burst out laughing. The product in question was deer's tail extract -- and one look at the box was enough for me. I had to buy it -- price no object.
Needless to say, I've "accidentally" left the box on the coffee table. It should be the first thing the wife sees when she comes home from work. I'm just dying to see how she reacts to it...
Royal King Deer's Tail Extract. The box-top doesn't leave much to the imagination, does it?