My stepson and I, preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse -- and confirming every negative stereotype you've ever heard about the Irish and the Mexicans. The Remington 870 was a real hit with the da boyz (there's just something about .12 gauge slugs that gives every healthy, red-blooded male worthy of the name a diamond-cutting blue-veiner), and the Kalashniklone wasn't far behind it in terms of popularity.
Personally, I think laser sights, optics, and all that shit are for pussies (if you need 'em at less than 400 meters, you might wanna consider --oh, I dunno -- learning to shoot, maybe? What can I say? My father was an ex-marine, and of the opinion that an ounce of proper technique was worth a ton of aftermarket accessories...). But since my eyesight ain't getting any better in my dotage, I might have to resort to them at some point in the future, hence the tri-rail mount on the receiver. One feature I really like about this particular mount is a rectangular channel that allows the shooter to fall back upon the irons when his/her overpriced, gear-queer toys inevitably malfunction.